Buy & Sell on Petspace

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What are best practices for selling on Petspace?

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

We work with hundreds of brands and closely observe what you can do to succeed (or not succeed) on Petspace.

Here are a few tips to boost sales. If you have any questions or want to discuss, please reach out!

Competitive shipping rates.We strongly encourage every brand to set either fixed shipping rates or offer free shipping. You will receive 200-300% more orders than if you select Added after Shipped. We see most buyers are willing to pay shipping costs that are ~8-13% of product costs. One strategy we have seen some brands successfully implement is baking some of the shipping costs into the listed wholesale price, so that the shipping seems more reasonable.

High-quality images. Make sure to have 3-5 high-quality images for each product, with at least 1 of those images being a solo shot of the product. Square images render best on Petspace. We also recommend including an image of the nutrition label if you are selling treats&foods.

Respond to messages in <24 hours. We hear that buyers get frustrated when they don’t hear back from a brand for several days when they have a pressing question about your products or an order. Fast response times will drive higher reorder rates, and a stronger reputation within the Petspace community (a lot of our buyers know each other and talk).

Reach out to Petspace support if you have any questions! We can help with almost any request, and we are around to provide immediate assistance nearly 24/7. Pop into our support widget or email us [email protected]!

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Our customer team will review your issue and respond within 24 business hours.